Post-exhibition follow up
You will meet your future customers at a exhibition. You inform your target group and map out your market. With a professional follow up, you get the most out of your efforts.
It can often be seen that the contacts made during the exhibition participation are lost due to the lack of follow-up. This is due to the busy work before, during and after the exhibition. After a considerable investment in the exhibition stand but also during and after the exhibition, this is a textbook example of how things can be improved.
Exhibition → Calling after exhibition → Send information → Scheduling appointment
Your contact will probably remember you in the first weeks after the fair. It is therefore essential to follow up any agreements you may have made with the lead in question as quickly as possible. This can be sending information, but also directly scheduling a visit. Your potential customer will highly appreciate this.
i-Calling takes care of this entire exhibition process for you. Just calling registered visitors (with approval) with a thank you for coming, a few days after the fair, is appreciated. If you have promised the exhibition visitor(s) during the event to send material, this should of course be sent as soon as possible. They may have even more specific questions.
Of course you are not the only exhibitor, there are several competitors. This makes speed and active trading a must in the case of exhibition follow-up.
Not only does it have to be valuable to know why people did visit your stand, but also why they didn’t do so. This will lead to improvements during the next exhibition.
i-Calling gathers relevant information during a customer friendly conversation with the leads who have indicated to be contacted and makes the customer feel welcome in your company. Once all visitors have been approached, we evaluate with you what the exhibition has delivered, so that you have insight into how your strategy has worked and whether your goals have been achieved.